Become a Peer Reviewer

We are always recruiting new peer reviewers. Please note that having a research or publication background is not a requirement; we need lots of subject-matter experts, as well! Peer reviewers must be members of NOSS. If you are not already a NOSS member, please join us here.

Our J-NOSS peer reviewers will:

  • Evaluate article submissions in a timely manner

  • Provide constructive comments to authors

  • Make recommendations to the editor about the publication suitability of a submission

  • Maintain confidentiality regarding the article submissions reviewed

J-NOSS will utilize a rolling submissions process, and each submission will go through a double-blind peer review. Due to the double-blind peer review process, peer reviewers may also submit their work to J-NOSS for review and potential publication. Peer reviewers will be acknowledged within each individual journal issue containing an article that they reviewed.

If you are interested in becoming a potential peer reviewer, please fill out this form